Oracle 12c

November 27, 2015    By admin@edtech

In today’s world of cloud computing, data storage and sharing has become a common thing, and Oracle 12C is one of the widely used databases for this purposes. Oracle 12C is the latest version of cloud computing and has made some drastic improvements for its users. The few best features of Oracle 12c are as follows:

Top features of Oracle 12c

1 Pluggable Database

Pluggable database is Oracle 12c’s latest feature. There is a segregation of data in Oracle 12c’s database between CDB and PDB. CDB is Container Database which holds all Oracle Metadata and PDB stands for Pluggable Database which holds all users data in it.

2 Top N Query and Fetch and Offset Replacement to Rownum

Oracle 12c has released a new SQL syntax. This SQL syntax is released for fetching of first few rows of the data which is a useful feature. The new SQL syntax “fetch first X rows only” can be used.

3 Redaction Policy

  • Redaction of data means hiding or you could say, masking of data you wouldn’t want to share with someone. For example an SSN

    field can be hidden from the employee table. This is known as Redaction. This can be done in the following steps.
  • Employee > Right click on security policy > click on new > click on redaction policy > enter SSN.

    4 Restore a table easily through RMAN

    The new restore command in RMAN simplifies the task of restoring a table earlier done by restoring a table space and/or does Export & Import.

    5 Adaptive Query Optimization and Online Stats gathering

    This feature assists the optimizer to do any kind of runtime adjustments to execution plans leading to improved stats. Create Table As Select (CTAS) or Insert As Select (IAS) is available online, making it easily available.

    6 Size limit on Varchar2, Raw Data, NVarchar2 types enlarged

    The data limit previously used to be 4K. Now, with Oracle 12C, the data limit is 32,767bytes. Though not a huge improvement, it is some improvement at least.

    7 Inline PL/SQL Functions & Procedures

    Along with views, one can now have in line PL/SQL procedures as well as functions as inline constructs. It is quite a very good feature for users as no code has to be compiled.
    Oracle 12c was released 15 months ago and has been serving its huge client base since then. It is a phenomenal improvement in itself and number of users has increased since its release in the market. Currently Oracle has a huge client base of 25million users and is still going strong in increasing its client base all around the globe.